Statistical light bulbpic SLB

On this page I present my unstructured thoughts about statistics and epidemiology from time to time.

Finding evidence in the context of uncertainty is challenging.

Population and sample (July 4, 2022)
Collinearity and confounding bias (February 11, 2022)
Role of variables in epidemiological studies (February 7, 2022)
Number converter between risks, incidences, percentages and decimals. (February 4, 2022)
Surprisal S-value: let's toss a coin to understand the value of a p-value (February 4, 2022)
Avoid categorization of a continuous variable (February 15, 2018)
Confusion caused by the p-value (November 17,2017)
Principles of statistical analysis (November 15, 2017)

Number converter between risks, incidences, percentages and decimals.

February 4, 2022

The number converter helps to better understand the relationship between risks, incidences, percentages and decimals.

1 in __ Dezimalzahl Prozent __ pro 1,000 __ pro 100,000
1 in 1 1,00 100% 1.000 pro 1.000 100.000 pro 100.000
1 in 2 0,50 50% 500 pro 1.000 50.000 pro 100.000
1 in 5 0,20 20% 200 pro 1.000 20.000 pro 100.000
1 in 10 0,10 10% 100 pro 1.000 10.000 pro 100.000
1 in 25 0,04 4% 40 pro 1.000 4.000 pro 100.000
1 in 50 0,02 2% 20 pro 1.000 2.000 pro 100.000
1 in 100 0,01 1% 10 pro 1.000 1.000 pro 100.000
1 in 250 0,004 0,4% 4 pro 1.000 400 pro 100.000
1 in 500 0,002 0,2% 2 pro 1.000 200 pro 100.000
1 in 1.000 0,001 0,1% 1 pro 1.000 100 pro 100.000
1 in 10.000 0,0001 0,01% 0,1 pro 1.000 10 pro 100.000
1 in 100.000 0,00001 0,001% 0,01 pro 1.000 1 pro 100.000

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according to Woloshin et al. (2008) Know Your Chances: Understanding Health Statistics.

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